Osteoarthritis can be very painful. It can also limit the function of the person. It usually affects the knee joints, but can also affect any of the other joints. This is one ofthe most disabling conditions and it usually affects the older people, but can also affect those in the younger age group.
The main treatment that can be given for a person suffering from osteoarthritis, othe than medications, are Physical Therapy. Exercises to maintain the range of motion of the joint are taught. Other than this, the person can also be given pain relief therapy.
Home treatments that can be done by you at home are hot water fomentations and also exercises.
The main treatment that can be given for a person suffering from osteoarthritis, othe than medications, are Physical Therapy. Exercises to maintain the range of motion of the joint are taught. Other than this, the person can also be given pain relief therapy.
Home treatments that can be done by you at home are hot water fomentations and also exercises.
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